Our MRP Suite is the best solution for resolving missing or incorrect shipping quantities. We’ve heard the many difficulties that can occur throughout production and we’re here to help:
Problem: Our shipping department is missing pallets when loading trucks. We don’t have accurate pallet counts for orders so pallets are often left behind. Tracking down all pallets takes a lot of time and pallet counts, roll count, weight and footage quantities are sometimes incorrect causing confusion.
Solution: Make sure quantities are precise with the MRP’s Shipping module, accessible in both the MRP and Scanner. In the MRP’s Ship Load screen, finished pallets are listed and can be moved from available status to loaded status. Easily move pallets by scanning the pallet serial number or moving within the list on the screen with arrows. Inaccurate quantities or missing pallet issues are eliminated with weight and pallet counts in this screen. When a load is shipped, the Packing Slip is generated and adds another step to ensure quantities are correct and nothing is missing.

Learn more about RedHawk MRP Suite!