Issues Maintaining Production Reports?

Our Reporting Dashboard is a perfect resource to analyze and monitor your operations. We’ve heard the many difficulties that can occur throughout production and we’re here to help:

Problem: We keep our production reporting in an Excel spreadsheet. The report requires daily entries and multiple employees’ efforts to maintain. We’re falling behind on upkeep and often find data to be inaccurate and calculations are incorrect.

Solution: Maintaining production reports can be a lot of work. The Reporting Dashboard has many reports ready to use that requires no upkeep. The reports have production metrics straight from Shop Floor. Reports like Order Summary, which summarizes key data like order production times, material count and comments made by operators. This report also has genealogy of the produced and raw materials used.

Order Summary - Copy

Another great report is the Tactical report. This report focuses on production times for each shift – such as total production time, how long a machine was down and why.


Learn more about HawkPoint’s Reporting Dashboard!