9 Reasons Not to Purchase RedHawk Software

…and why they’re all lies.

 1. Uncertainty from an on again/off again pandemic, new President and ever-changing mandates

Why add to the uncertainty? Today you have no idea how long it truly takes to setup a job, how long it takes to run a job or why your jobs aren’t running at all. With HawkPoint’s paper converting software suite, you will add a little visibility to your uncertain world. With job tracking, scheduling, inventory and so much offered, HawkPoint’s software suite gives you certainty.

 2. The cost of raw materials has increased so much

HawkPoint’s software helps you reduce scrap. Never before has the cost of your raw materials been so high, and never before has it been so important to not waste your materials. With HawkPoint’s paper converting suite you’ll get the most of your raw materials by finding shaft patterns that make the most of your materials. And our shop floor software tracks downtimes, so you can see where problems are and avoid them next time.

 3. I can’t hire workers

I hear you. The hiring shortage has impacted all industries, which is why all businesses need to start doing more with less. HawkPoint’s paper converting software helps you and your business be more efficient. With real time metrics, you’ll save time planning, producing and shipping. Perhaps you don’t need to hire…with a little efficiency, you’ll minimize time requirements and maximize profits. And, if you are worried about having the people needed to install our software for your business, we have you covered there too. HawkPoint’s team works with you throughout the whole process. We can do as much as you need and our experts will make your people experts, through training and collaboration.

 4. We just purchased another software

 …and we hope that’s going great for you. But is that software a complete solution? Are you getting the reporting that you need? Are your processes optimized to take advantage of the new functionality? HawkPoint’s paper converting software was designed by paper converters. We understand that not everyone is going to use our software, which is why we also offer paper-specific consulting, to optimize your business, from head to toe. Whether it’s rethinking a process to writing custom reports, we’re here to help with our software, someone else’s software and we can even help if you have no software at all. Our focus is on your success, and we’re willing to paint outside the lines to ensure that we are all successful together.

 5. We’re Too Small

HawkPoint’s software suite is scalable to your business. Whether you are running 20 machines, 10 machines or even 1 rewinder in the back room, our software will be a perfect fit. This software is designed for paper converters, large and small. We’ll help you reach your goals for quality, sustainability or growth. They say that you should dress for the job you want, not the job you have. HawkPoint’s software suite is your winning wardrobe, that will take your business from today’s challenges to tomorrow’s successes.

 6. Culture

Culture change is hard for any business, but change is necessary. The laws of attrition show that anyone standing still, will fall backward. Forward progress toward your goals is the only way to succeed. If your concern is that your culture can’t handle changes toward success, then perhaps your culture is your problem. Culture that is based on failure isn’t culture, it’s a curse. People want to succeed, and they want to work for successful businesses. Creating a culture of qualifiable and quantifiable success, should be your goal.

 7. We’re Too Special

No you’re not. Are you a great company? Yes, but you’re not special, especially not to our software. Our software was designed by paper industry experts for people just like you. HawkPoint already understand the obstacles you face and we are here to help. Our software is specialized for your processes, workflows and works with your machines. Better yet, our shop floor can improve your current processes and workflows.

 8. No Internal Resources to Implement

We understand, but our team is here for you. With HawkPoint’s expertise and support, you won’t need all hands-on deck to implement but a few champions players up for the challenge – which by the way, our software suite isn’t all that hard to learn and navigate. We want your team to exceed just as much as you do. We will work with your champions throughout the whole implementation – training your champions until they become the experts.

 9. Cost

HawkPoint’s software can save you money. With our Reporting Dashboard employees no longer need to spend time on up-keeping reports. Utilizing the Shop Floor, your machine operators and crew can spend less time writing reports, roll records, hand-written labels, and other metrics the software captures and can focus more on producing more finished products. Use our software pinpoint unnecessary costs in your business and find out where you can improve to save you more money.

Learn more about our software or watch our on-demand demo videos.