Troubles Locating Inventory?

The MRP Suite is the best option for managing inventory. We’ve heard the many difficulties that can occur throughout production and we’re here to help:

Problem: We’re having trouble locating inventory in our warehouse. When inventory is received at the door it is placed in inconsistent locations and we have trouble finding rolls when they’re ready for production. We’re also finding it difficult to locate partial rolls once they have been ran on the machines, they are returned to a spot or taken to a new location and nothing is tracking its movements.

Solution: Locate inventory with ease whether in the office or in the warehouse with the MRP and Scanner software. With the MRP’s Inventory module, screens like On Hand Inventory can help locate any inventory with a simple search.

If in the warehouse, the Scanner software can provide location details for products with screens like Pick List that will show location, received date and weight with the ability to transfer to a new location with simplicity. In the Inventory module and scanner, inventory information can be easily updated like weight or roll footage.

Scanner_Pick List

See more ways HawkPoint’s software can help your business by watching our on-demand demo videos.

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