Struggling to Plan Shipments?

The MRP Suite is an excellent choice for planning shipments. We’ve heard the many difficulties that can occur throughout production and we’re here to help:

Problem: We’re struggling to plan our shipments. We are tracking planned shipments manually and when updates are made it’s often missed or not communicated to our shipping team. We need a better way to communicate when there are multiple orders on the same truck.

Solution: With the MRP’s Shipping module, shipments can be easily planned. Simply add the orders to a shipment with one or multiple stops, choose the carrier and weight of shipment. The load is then ready to be shipped once production is completed. If any changes need to be made, loads can easily be updated prior to shipping. A load sheet is generated and can be accessed within the MRP, scanner or printed off to be used as a checklist.

Shipping_Add Load

Learn more about RedHawk MRP Suite!